;(function($, window) { /** Settings **/ // List of background images to use, the default image will be the first one in the list var backgrounds = [ 'http://www.hotelscoiattolo.com/images/bg/body3.jpg' ], // Background options - see documentation backgroundOptions = { speedIn: 3000, // Speed of the "fade in" transition between background images, in milliseconds 1000 = 1 second speedOut: 3000, slideshowAuto:true }, // The text inside the search field searchBoxText = 'Search', // The text inside the view map button when map is visible hideMapButtonText = 'Hide map'; /** End settings **/ $('html').addClass('js-enabled'); $(document).ready(function() { $.fullscreen( $.extend(backgroundOptions, { backgrounds: window.backgrounds || backgrounds, backgroundIndex: window.backgroundIndex }) ); // Initialise the menu $('ul.sf-menu').superfish({ speed: 0 }); }); // End (document).ready })(jQuery, window);